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Wuxi Tsingno Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.

Environmental consulting service environmental
engineering design and construction

Trustworthy environmental integrated service provider



Business Scope

Wuxi Tsingno Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.

Contact: Liu Kanghua

Mob: +86-131 7968 8090

Tel: +86-510-81815416

Fax: +86-510-81815406

E-mail: tsingno_wuxi@163.com

Add: 513, Yilin Building, No. 19 Gaolang East Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi City

Environmental Engineering Design and Construction

Since its establishment, the company has completed the design and construction of various types of wastewater engineering, 

ultrapure water and water reuse projects. The customers include textile printing and dyeing, 

chemical, electronic plating, papermaking, 

municipal sewage and medical wastewater treatment.

广德县| 禄丰县| 青冈县| 新安县| 滁州市| 闽侯县| 家居| 克山县| 黎城县| 黄平县| 上栗县| 红桥区| 平安县| 唐海县| 光泽县| 莲花县| 涞源县| 景谷| 盐池县| 周口市| 平山县| 都安| 安达市| 曲阜市| 周口市| 阿拉尔市| 五常市| 德兴市| 新安县| 恩施市| 青岛市| 鸡西市| 司法| 卢湾区| 汉沽区| 北京市| 安阳县| 新密市| 通榆县| 定襄县| 商水县|